Big Sky by Kitty Thomas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It is so interesting to me that one author can have so many diverse stories running around up there in her head. It is truly baffling to me… I am not certain what I thought I was going to get from reading BIG SKY, but this was not I t- though to be honest, when I sit down with one of Kitty’s books, I throw all my preconceived notions out the window and just go with it.
Let’s get straight to the point with the review. Veronica is a complete idiot when it comes to her money. She lives for the here and now and doesn’t think about the future. She wants a pair of Manolos? Okay! Sounds great! Never mind that she has 10 maxed out credit cards and eviction notice number three on her door. When things come crashing down around her, a handsome stranger is there to help her pick up the pieces.
Luke is that handsome stranger and I would confidently lay down a few bills to bet that he is mentally unstable. I liked Luke, but he definitely showed a glimmer of crazy more than once in this book. I’ll be honest, I was a little stressed out while reading BIG SKY because I kept wait for the other shoe to drop. Luke and the ranch hands are some kinky bitches and Veronica, of course, comes to crave their brand of punishment and kindness.
Just when I think I have read it all, Kitty busts out the big guns. Lactation. Milk Bitch. Mild Maid. Get where I am going with this? No, this is not the first time I have heard about some sort of fascination with lactating females. All I can say is: What an interesting kink.
Kitty, whatever path you intend to lure me down, rest assured, I will follow and so far, I haven’t been disappointed.
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