Phoenix Rockstar by Bec Botefuhr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Boy! Talk about a dysfunctional family! PHOENIX ROCKSTAR is packed with drama and romance.
Violet is no stranger to the rough and tumble world of badass bikers, but now that she is an adult, she is catching a glimpse of the biker lifestyle that she has always been protected from knowing about. Her father, also known as “Chief” is the head of a balls to the wall bikers club and let it be known that he is one mean ass mutherfucker and when it comes to his baby girl, he takes a “no prisoners” type of approach. You mess with his baby and no matter who you are, your ass is grass and that includes the boy who has been like a son to him, Violet’s childhood crush turned rockstar, Travis. Chief is crass, violent, protective to a fault and most certainly, all “alpha” male, bad boy perfection – I can’t wait to read his story in book three of this series.
The chemistry between Travis and Violet is undeniable and it seems that nothing can stop the spark from igniting to a full-on, house-on-fire blaze. Travis oozes sex appeal. I truly loved his character. PHOENIX ROCKSTAR ends with a slight cliffhanger, but nothing you can’t live with and since books two and three are available, there is no need to fret about waiting forever to find out what happens next.
PHOENIX ROCKSTAR is a hot combination of two of my favorite kinds of men: Rockstars and Bikers and rest assured, both groups of men make no qualms about the fact that they are bad to the bone. I picked this one up for free at Amazon, you may have too, but it’s well worth the $2.99 digital price. If you have it in your collection, it’s time to bump it up. If you don’t own it, it’s time to shell out a few bucks – I promise you won’t be sorry!
*Side Note: If you have read any of the author’s earlier work, you will be happy to know that the editing has gotten exponentially better, but even with the errors I found, the story far outweighs that minor annoyance.
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