Sacred Revelations by Roxy Harte
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
SACRED REVELATIONS is the second installment in the CHRONICLES OF
SURRENDER series. To achieve the maximum effect of this book, you must
read the first book in the series to really grasp where the characters are
coming from. This is not a fluffy erotic BDSM series, so, if that is what
you are looking for, then you should look elsewhere because you will not find
any fluffy little romance on the pages of these books. This is an emotional
trip that revolves around three main characters and how they find comfort in living
a BDSM lifestyle.
I am so intrigued
by these characters and their involvement in this lifestyle. Although I do not
understand where their head is--especially with the S&M aspects, I can
appreciate that they are doing what makes them function and feel whole. They
make no excuses to the outside world for living the life they lead. I really
enjoyed the progression of the characters and the story has definitely taken a
turn that I did not foresee and I really like where it is going. I just wonder
how long their arrangement is going to last?
In the third book,
I am hoping for Kitten to quit being so needy. Seriously, she is really like a five-year-old
at times. A few times I wished I was there and I would have beat her ass with
the birch myself...then again, Garrett did create this neediness in her by
making her a slave 24/7 in book #1. He feeds her by hand, she drinks from his
mouth--her world revolves around him in book 1. Then at the beginning of this
book, her world revolves around Thomas. This codependence is a little strange
now with the most recent developments. In this installment, Garrett's persona
devolved into a weak character that I scarcely recognized. I felt that
his display of mental instability was a little out of the blue, but I felt
drawn to him nonetheless. I hope he toughens up for future installments.
I am looking
forward to book 3, despite the book's description. It is sounding a tad bit
outlandish, but we'll see where it goes. This is a great series for those
who love the darker emotional side of BDSM culture themed books.
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