Entice by Ella Frank
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
SMART. SPUNKY. CONFIDENT. SEXY. AVAILABLE. That about sums up Dr. Shelly Monroe! I LOVE this character! Actually, I have become quite smitten with all the characters in the EXQUISITE Series. Author Ella Frank does not skimp when it comes to creating “real” characters that jump of the page in 3-D and that is what I love about this series.
You think you know what’s best for you, right? Yes, well, everyone thinks they know, but when it comes to matters of the heart, the brain oftentimes gets in the way and you end up with something you thought you wanted and miss out on what you actually needed. That is exactly the path that Dr. Shelly Monroe is headed for…
Shelly Monroe is a medical doctor – obviously not a love doctor because she is looking for love in all the wrong places, like boardrooms, courtrooms and bank vaults, but she is quickly running out of choices. The faster she realizes that all those “suits” will never hold her attention for long, the faster she can get on to the good stuff, but she is stubborn! When the feisty doctor first lays eyes on Joshua Daniels, her body says, “go for it”, but her mind says, “run for your life”!
Joshua Daniels also has no clue what he needs… He thinks he needs someone cute and sweet. Dr. “Man-Eater Monroe” is neither of those - she is hot and sexy and probably a firecracker in bed, which is all the more reason for him to avoid her like the plague.
Thank God for lust! When lust finally steps in and clouds their brains with delusional thoughts like: “Oh yeah, you don’t need to be involved to hit the sheets.”, that’s when the story really starts to heat up! Disaster averted! Sort of… Man-Eater Monroe and Joshua Daniels prove to be two of the most stubborn characters I have ever encountered, but their chemistry is undeniable and their games of cat and mouse make for a very… well… enticing story.
The sexual tension between Shelly and Joshua is thick and I loved every minute of it! Their rhetoric is bold and sexy. Their big talk of keeping their relationship strictly in the bedroom makes their fall into romantic bliss even sweeter. Here is a snippet from one of my favorite scenes:
He knew she’d notice the huge hard-on pressing against his jeans, and he also knew the moment when she saw it because her tongue came out, licking at her lips again.
“You do that a lot, you know?”
Her eyes came back to his as she raised questioning brow at him.
“What’s that?”
“Look at my cock and lick your lips.”
She took a step closer, and he had to uncross his legs or she would have bumped into them. Reaching over beside him, she tossed her little purse in the back of his truck, and then moved one more step closer until she was positioned snugly between his thighs with her amazing breasts pressed against his chest. He watched as the lips in question tipped up in a sexy smile.
“That’s because I want to lick it,” she informed him in true man-eater style, bold and to the point.
That’s my girl! Eat him up! That is exactly why I love this character!
Great Story! Great Characters! Must Read!
✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews
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