Angst by Victoria Sawyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
❝ Don’t. Don’t panic now, don’t freak out, don’t feel sick, it will only make things worse. Why must I make myself miserable? Why must I be the craziest bitch in the world? I hate my life.❞
What if this were the vicious cycle of thoughts in your head, day in and day out; on a constant loop of worry and anxiety? Sounds miserable, right? Well, it is a very real and frightening reality for many people in the world. After my mother passed away tragically and suddenly in January of 2012, I experienced a tiny blip of the anxiety and fear that author, Victoria Sawyer lives with daily. Although I knew my thoughts were irrational, I still could not stop them from cycling through my head and I still feel the anxiety creeping up, on occasion, and I am here to tell you – it is not a fun feeling.
I really didn’t know what I was getting in to when I agreed to read ANGST. As I typically do when I begin reading a book by a new author, I read a bit about them to learn a little about who they are and where they are coming from. I certainly did not expect to uncover that this book, so appropriately named ANGST, is loosely based on real life experiences of the author, but don’t worry, it’s not an “oh-woe-is-me” kind of book. ANGST provides some insight into the mind of a person who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, but WAIT! THERE’S MORE! THERE IS A REALLY GOOD, NEW ADULT STORY HERE TOO!
Victoria is a college freshman and like most college freshmen, she partied her ass off! Yes, some of it was fun, but all of her partying was really just a way to cope with everyday life. Victoria’s everyday life is a challenge because she suffers from panic attacks, anxiety and depression and has since the age of eight. Yes, it sucks, but she somehow manages to put on her “big-girl panties” and forge ahead with life, but not without hitting a few bumps along the way.
ANGST is written in a unique format, so HEADS-UP and take note of the dates! Although the story is not told in chronological order, it flows seamlessly and lends a hand to providing a little mystery and a twist of sorts that totally caught me off guard… I love it when an author shakes things up a bit – keeps me on my toes ☺.
This isn’t a fluffy little read with a happily ever after ending, but there is some romance, a little humor and a lot of darkness. The best part is that the reader and Victoria get their “happy for now” and I think that is how ANGST had to end, because anything else would have been unrealistic.
ANGST was an emotional ride, but well worth it! Go ahead and bust out the tissues, because you are probably going to cry, I definitely did.
A Note to the Author: I don’t even know you, but I am proud of you. You are not crazy. You are brave. You are strong. I hope writing this story has been therapeutic for you and you have found some peace and happiness in your life. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Learn more about the author and ANGST HERE!!
✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews
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Great review, Bookie!
Thank you! That was a very emotional story for me to read, but very good!
Great review!
Thank you Jacqueline!
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