Collide by Gail McHugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
That was painful and maddening, but you know, all pain isn’t bad.
COLLIDE was painful. The story begins just as Emily Cooper’s life as she once knew it was forever shattered by the death of her mother, but never fear, Dillon, her wonderfully charming and thoughtful boyfriend ::cough:: swoops in to save the day by whisking her away from Colorado and into his life in New York City. Emily soon learns, that “Prince Charming,” Dillon, isn’t quite the prince he likes to portray.
COLLIDE was maddening…well, I suppose the madness was in my own mind because, to me, the solution was simple. You know how they say there are 2 sides to every story and then there’s the truth? That’s the benefit the reader has over the characters, but I’m not really telling you anything you don’t already know. Watching Emily and Dillon’s very one-sided relationship from a bird’s eye view was enough to send me into a fit of rage. Emily is such a sweet and likeable character, but I could not, for the life of me, figure out what the hell she was doing with a controlling, dickhead like Dillon.
Then, the perfect combination of painful madness was the forbidden chemistry between Emily and Gavin. Who’s Gavin? Oh yeah, he’s the super-hunk extraordinaire; guys want to be him and girls want to fuck him, need I say more? I just wanted to slap Emily for not taking the plunge when she first laid eyes on the man, I know, that makes me a bad girl, but I never claimed to be an angel.
I was tempted to rate this book 4 stars out of spite for the cliffhanger author Gail McHugh left us with, but my sanity returned to me (after a minor temper-tantrum) and thought better of being a bitch today and gave it the 5 stars it deserved. Isn’t it true that goodness prevails? I hope so, because I’m really trying here and hoping to telepathically communicate with Ms. McHugh to tell her to hurry her cute little ass up and complete the next installment because I have got to know the rest of the freaking story! Get it, read it, but don’t be pissed at me when you have to wait until the summer to get the full story. Yeah, she obviously likes torture, because I can’t even find a release date. Madness, I tell you…
**Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews
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