Escape from Paradise by Gwendolyn Field
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Beautiful. Disgusting. Exciting. Terrifying. Awesome.
I know! I am obviously a head case because I felt all those words were great descriptors of this little treasure of a book called ESCAPE FROM PARADISE. Full disclosure up front – if you have a problem with reading about situations of non-consensual sexual acts and kidnap/captive story lines, then you need to pack up and move on to another book, because that is what this story is all about. I for one am a lover of stories that sway deep into the dark side, so I was pretty much in heaven.
ESCAPE FROM PARADISE is a cautionary tale that warns against the evils of the world. It’s the worst punishment you could possibly imagine for doing the exact opposite of what your parents told you that you could do.
Angela Birch, not unlike most young college students, is mostly concerned about having fun right here and right now. When her parents tell her she can’t go to Mexico for Spring Break, she thinks the worst that could happen is that her parents will find out that she disobeyed them. Never did she ever stop to think that a girl’s worst nightmare would soon be her reality.
When Angela is tricked into “making out” with and is ultimately raped by the handsome and charming, Fernando, her life as she once knew it was gone in an instant. Her life now is as a sexual slave and she must learn to get past all the simple luxuries she once took for granted, like privacy.
❝We slaves have no secrets. No…what you say? Ah, privacy. We eat, we drink, we fuck, we shit where all can see.❞
Angela’s Master is the suave billionaire, Marco Ruiz. Considering the situation she is in, Marco is kind and affords his slaves a life in a lush and beautiful environment, so it could be worse, but being held captive and forced to have sex with strangers is no vacation in Angela’s mind.
❝The villa gave off an aire of romance, but it was a facade. Romance meant love, and love meant joy.
But joy didn’t live at the villa. Only temporary satisfaction resided here.❞
Even after 2 years in this lavish, but hellish existence, they are still looking for her; her parents, the FBI and private investigators. When undercover officer, Colin Douglas enters the picture, that is when things really start to heat up. Colin is the quintessential hero. He is charming and cunning, smart and sexy and against what his mind tells him is the right thing to do, his body totally has the hots for Angela and will stop at nothing to save her.
I am happy to announce that there is no cliffhanger, so don’t be shy – dive right in. I am super excited to see how the rest of the series pans out. Author, Gwendolyn Field is a new author and I really enjoyed her writing style, so I will definitely be back for more in the future!
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