The Dom's Dungeon by Cherise Sinclair
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Now this is my kind of reading! THE DOM'S DUNGEON combines the sweet side of BDSM with romance and tortured souls... What's not to love about that? I have a sweet spot for any story where the damaged and innocent heroine prevails.
Being mentally battered and forced into prostitution, as a teenager would be enough to make anyone have regrets and fear the day her secret is exposed. Adult Mac is practically a virgin, but when someone uncovers her secret in her small town, she uproots her life in search of a new place to practice veterinary medicine.
Mac swaps houses with a stranger while interviewing for jobs and she ends up with a whole lot more than she bargained for... Who knew that nosing around behind locked doors would be so satisfying? I might just have to try that some time!
Uber Dominant, Alex, is experienced in reading potential submissives and his read on Mac is dead on with pinpoint accuracy. Alex knows what she needs. Like any experienced Dom, he knows how to punish, but is equally skilled at rewarding.
Witnessing the relationship between Mac and Alex unfold was sweet and delicious. And to see Mac flourish under Alex's practiced hand, well, that was just all kinds of satisfying. Cherise Sinclair is truly a master of "sugar kink," combining romance with dominance and submission AND a great storyline... Well, that's most definitely a talent and she has it in spades. THE DOM'S DUNGEON is a stand-alone novel and a great read that is sure to suck you in from the very first page.
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