Friday, January 24, 2014

#Review: My Beautiful by @jmlarocca1

My Beautiful (Lifeless, #2)My Beautiful by J.M. LaRocca
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A really fun, light, fast-paced read—especially if you don’t mind suspending reality for the duration of the story.

Kade and Scarlett have been broken up for 8 months while Kade tries to figure a way out of working for his mob boss uncle. And even though Scarlett experienced the mobsters firsthand and saw a gun being wielded her way, it never seems to occur to her that Kade broke up with her to protect her. Which maybe I’m an eternal optimist or just plain conceited, but I tend to be the type that will take the tiniest indication of interest as my ex’s regret over their decision to break my heart. Not that my way is healthy or anything, I was just surprised to find out not everyone does that. So in this case where it seemed obvious, I was surprised by Scarlett’s oblivion.

Also, I found it rather convenient that every coffee shop, club, or restaurant she frequented always had her running into Kade or one of his friends. Really? I admit I haven’t been to LA, but uh, that doesn’t happen where I live. Just saying.

Most devastatingly unrealistic in my opinion, was the mob stuff itself. First of all, Bryce’s undercover mission was the worst kept secret on the planet. If we had to trust in FBI agents like Bryce to keep our country safe, we’d be in serious trouble because at the slightest nudge, he sang like a canary. And by confiding in Scarlett, he might as well have posted a billboard because she told her friends like it was high school gossip. I was constantly worried about possible rats that the mobsters had working undercover while Scarlett and her co-workers waxed on about her supposedly secret romance with Kade. I seemed to be the only one concerned about keeping it under wraps. Secondly, the big climax was all based on an assumption that I found to be absolute nonsense. (view spoiler)

MY BEAUTIFUL was fun and enjoyable and the writing was smooth and well-executed. If I hadn’t had so many issues with believability, this story would have had a much higher rating from me.

**Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

**Reviewed by preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews.

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