My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Talk about grinning from ear to ear – FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI had me giddy happy and hugging my kindle, not to mention ignoring my family for the half a day I spent reading it.
FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI is a humorous and refreshingly clean new/young adult book that makes you fall in love with each of the characters and every part of their lives. (And its not clean in the cheesy, written for younger people way – Cassie Mae is able to include so much passion and romance that you don’t feel like you need anything else!) Kelli runs an alibi business where she helps fellow trust fund recipients keep their inheritance by dating the cookie cutter perfect girl. For a fee, she agrees to provide herself as an alibi so they can go out with whomever they want, without having to explain to their parents who they were really with. The only catch for Kelli is, she spends more time pretending to have a life than actually living one.
Enter Chase Maroney. Conceited frat boy or endearing online Xbox player? Either way, he’s Kelli’s Friday Night Guy, whether she’s willing to admit it or not.
I found Kelli and Chase’s friendship and romance to be equal parts humorous, endearing, lovable, squeezable, and all-around squee-able. I just loved it. I loved Kelli even when she was so wrong it was blaring. I loved Chase – well, I loved every part of Chase – there are no caveats there. I even loved Kelli’s contracts – especially her ice cream contract – why couldn’t I have thought of something so cute and fun?
This book will have you laughing out loud - it’s just a great, beautiful and fun romance and I couldn’t have asked for more. I rated this 4.75 stars but it definitely deserves the round up!
**Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
**Reviewed by preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews.
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Not cheesy, so I'll give it a try, thanks for the review !
Red Iza, it was a really fun read but it kept a good balance too! :D
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