Blood Slave by Travis Luedke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It’s official; I am hooked on THE NIGHTLIFE series.
As an escort for the Colombian cartel, Hope was forced into a life of servitude at an early age. Having accepted her life as a sex worker, Hope embraces her destiny and excels as a glorified hooker with a little help from her telepathic abilities. All is well until a seemingly perfect night of sin turns her life upside down, transferring her enslavement from a notorious Cartel boss to a Vampire Master named Enrique. Survival used to mean staying in line and following the law of the Cartel, but now, her survival is reliant on something very different and that “something” scares her on many levels.
As Hope is ripped from her life as she once knew it, she quickly adapts to the ways of the paranormal world while struggling to understand the feelings she has for her new master – are these feelings real or are they a result of her bond to her master as his personal Blood Slave? As her quest for understanding unfolds, it becomes abundantly clear that her life is in danger and deciphering friend from foe will take a lot more than the telepathic abilities she has relied on her entire life.
BLOOD SLAVE, the third book in THE NIGHTLIFE series is consistent with the theme of book one… where over-indulgence, illegal activity and vampires lurk in darkness when night falls on the city. The ensemble of wickedly sexy and disobedient characters are an interesting assortment that you will love and love to hate – even the villains have endearing moments. BLOOD SLAVE is another winning read if deceit, sex and paranormal tales appeal to you.
✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
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