Thursday, March 20, 2014

#Review & #Giveaway: Layers by @Sigal_Ehrlich 4 Stars

Layers (Stark, #1)
Layers by Sigal Ehrlich
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Independent and sassy meets moody alpha male, cue the fireworks.

Hayley doesn’t do relationships. She’s more of a love ‘em and lose ‘em kinda girl, but she has vowed to put that lifestyle behind her and stop the one night stands. When she runs into Daniel while on a company tour her roommate dragged her into, she is completely caught off guard by her instant attraction to this sexy man. She doesn’t even know right away that he’s the CEO of this company and a billionaire. Daniel doesn’t do relationships either, although he can’t stay away from Hayley and doesn’t know how to handle the way he feels for her. His domineering and moody personality clashes with Hayley’s opinionated sassiness, but they keep each other on their toes. Hayley can’t keep her emotions out of it this time and neither can Daniel. There’s more to Daniel than we first know and the layers to his personality may get in the way of their happily ever after.

“Wham bam thank you ma’am, is what comes to mind as I put my shoes back on. Isn’t this exactly what I wanted, planned? Emotions aside…“Me neither, don’t stop,” ring a bell? But why does it feel so different with him, so confusing and upsetting? I feel so empty inside all of a sudden. I should be amused by this. I don’t feel. I mustn’t. That’s how it always was and yet with him it’s different somehow.

We climb back down in chilled silence, only the sound of our steps echoing through the stillness. He opens the car door for me, avoiding any eye contact. Bringing the car to life, he sends a quick glimpse my way. There is a bothered look in his eyes that I find hard to interpret. He appears to be slightly confused. So am I.”

I really enjoyed this story and all the characters. Daniel and Hayley have a rough start thanks to his mood swings, but ultimately we learn there’s a hard exterior hiding a broken man and the chemistry between the two is undeniable. Hayley’s best friends, Natasha and Ian, are insanely funny and their friendship is enviable. I could find myself truly understanding everyone’s feelings, which just made it all more real to me and I couldn’t put the book down once I started. Daniel does have some serious issues, but I don’t even think we’ve scratched the surface. There is so much more to learn about him and I really want to read more from his point of view. LAYERS is solely Hayley’s POV; except for the epilogue, which is from Daniel. That one chapter was just enough to tease me for more and looking up the second book in the series for more information. 

Sometimes cliffhangers kind of piss me off, but this just made me excited for the next part of Daniel and Hayley’s story. LAYERS pulled me into Daniel and Hayley’s world completely. I can not get enough of the characters and I can’t wait to read INNER CORE (STARK #2).

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I Bookie Nookie Reviews by Tickled Pink for Book Ink

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