Thursday, October 24, 2013

Review: Manic

Manic by J.A. Huss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who knew erotic modeling could sound so appealing? J.A. Huss makes nude modeling glamorous and exciting in MANIC, the second book in Rook and Ronin's series!

In TRAGIC, Rook took a stand and signed the Sturgis contract and now it’s time to deliver. She has 3 months of body art modeling and quickly finds out her contract also includes filming a reality show of her experience as Spencer Shrike’s canvas. Ronin may have agreed to stand by Rook during this contract despite not wanting her to sign it but he didn’t plan on Claire fighting rehab at every turn. He ends up having to spend a lot of time traveling and staying near the rehab facility to ensure Claire completes her treatment, leaving Rook in the grasping hands of Spencer and Ford.

He smiles but it’s so fake I want to tell him he needs to practice that shit in the mirror before he unleashes it on the world.

I’m not interested in your big-brother routine, I have a boyfriend, I’m not looking for your brand of friendship, so butt the fuck out!

“I won’t touch you, Rook, don’t worry,” he whispers. “I’m not a runner and I’m not a cheater, either. Life is long, you are young, and I’m very, very patient.”

I have a disadvantage here because I don’t want people to need me like Ronin does. I don’t want to slow down for someone, Rook. I want someone to keep up with me.

If she can be stolen, then she was never yours to begin with.

One of my favorite things about Rook and Ronin’s series is that all of the guys Rook comes into contact with are amazing in their own way. Spencer is fun and daring—but he’s also very respectful of Rook and Ronin’s relationship. Ford came across as a jerk when he first met Rook, but in MANIC he shows a softer, more caring side and he’s so attuned to what Rook needs that I almost found myself hoping he’d get some time as Rook’s man. But then there’s Ronin, and while he wasn’t as present in MANIC, when he was there he showed how very much he loves Rook and how he will fight for her whether she’s pushing him away or needing his protection.

“Because your future is making itself right now, this very moment. And you have no idea it’s happening. I want you so completely it hurts. But you and I are in two totally different places."

I let him guide me because even though I’m on top, he’s in control. He’s always in control.

I’m not the genius who perfected this plan. That’s Spencer. I’m not the hacker who executed this plan. That’s Ford. I’m the liar who cleans up the mess. And my job starts now.

I was really glad that J.A. Huss brought Rook’s ex, Jon, into this story because one way or another he was going to eventually figure out where Rook had gone. If he’d just been a silent non-issue forever, it would have taken away some of the credibility of the story. I really hope that PANIC explores more of Ronin, Spencer, and Ford’s history and exactly what all they’ve done together in the past. I’m so intrigued and I think it will really explain a lot about what makes the guys who they are. Last but certainly not least, Rook clearly has some self-discovery to do before she’s ready to commit to Ronin but I hope for her sake she does that in PANIC because she has the potential for an amazing love story and I’m dying to experience it with her!

MANIC was a fantastic addition to this 5 star series and I can’t wait to dive into PANIC!

**Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

**Reviewed by preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews.

View all my reviews

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On sale for 99¢ this weekend:


  1. Thanks a bunch you guys! :) So glad you liked it!

  2. You're welcome! And thank you for sharing the incredible world of Rook, Ronin, Spencer, and Ford!
