Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Review: Restoring Jordan

Restoring JordanRestoring Jordan by Elizabeth Finn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Five Glowing, Pulsating, Gasping Stars for RESTORING JORDAN!!! Elizabeth Finn's books just get better and better and I may need to start stalking her for new books because she writes the best MEN! She knows that the best kind of man is the bad boy that no one can get, until he falls for that one woman. And oh, how hard I've fallen for Jordan… My heart is aching just to know that the story is over and I can't see him anymore.

The story starts with a virgin and a one-night stand. I seem to have a special place in my heart for stories where the main character loses her virginity in a completely unexpected way to a man least likely to be offered the job because this is the second of Ms Finn's books where I've experienced this and I was hooked from line one!

Adeline is out for a night of celebration after landing the internship of the century and she decides to step out of her comfort zone with an uber hot older man she meets at the bar without even knowing his name. Fast forward two days and who do you think she stumbles into at her new internship? You guessed it, Mr. One Night Stand himself. But it's not just the dynamic of the off-limits restoration principal and the intern, though that in and of itself was steamy and angsty and everything I like. It's the way Elizabeth Finn writes – her characters say the kind of things you want to highlight and underline and come back to read over and over! It's the way I become so obsessed with her characters that I'm pulling out my kindle at every red light so I can read just one more sentence! It's also the fact that the author writes all this without making you want to jump up and down and yell at the main characters or hit them over the head, not even once!

If I haven't made it clear, RESTORING JORDAN is a MUST read – it's romantic and beautiful and everything I could have hoped for and so much more! It has a phenomenal storyline, well carved out characters, and the perfect love story that makes you jealous and excited all at once.

**Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

**Reviewed by Preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews and The Romance Reviews.

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